So I have a very independent child. he has pretty much done everything on his own. He weened himself off the boob. same as the bottle. Taught himself how to eat, drink, and now put on clothes. He hates being a baby! HATES it! he always tries to keep up with the big kids....except for this one thing......THE PACY!(or binky which ever you all it. sean says pizza) He doesn't need during the day but when he feels bad or nervous and to sleep he HAS to have it. plus he grinds his teeth at night and that helps him not. i've half assed tried to take it away but give up after he bites me.
So how did i do it you ask?
I didn't really have much choice. he lost the last one we had on sunday! little bastard! actually it wasn't all that hard. he went right to sleep. so i found the pacy yesterday but didn't tell sean. last night was a different story.
First off the filthy thing got me sick....he's been sick too but i've never gotten sick with him. so i was a little grouchy but not to worried. so i was laying by sean in my bed trying to put him down. sean asked "Pizza? where pizza?" i replied. "I don't know you tell me?" he then went"ugh!" he does that when he's bummed. He then said: "bed(in a stern voice). BED. mom, my bed." so i put him in his bed and he rolled away from me and went to sleep.
HAHAHA I guess he was disappointed in mom. he stayed there all night. usually i'll put him to sleep in my bed then carry him to his and then about 3 he climbs back in bed with me.
so we are free of the pacy! At what price? i guess only time will tell....or i'm sure sean will! lol