ok first sorry it's been so long. my 3 readers i'm sure have moved on but here i am if you still want me.
So here's what we've been up to:
I'm gonna start and work my way backwards.
well i like to think so. he's been accident free since tuesday and it's been fairly easy. we started tuesday and he didn't take to it very well until he learned he could go outside. once that happened he'll now only pee outside. he'll poo in the potty but no pee. it's funny cuz he has to tell everyone: "i did it!! WHOO HOO!" and that's been his only motivation. no bribes. nothin but praise. now i just have to figure out how to get him to pee in the potty. i don't want his first day of school to be "teacher, i need to go outside" and have him go back in and yell "I DID IT!" It feels so good to be out of diapers! i still have to wipe ass but it's not as bad and sean'll catch on soon i hope.
Grandpa Buckner has Cancer...again
grandpa had stomach cancer 6 years ago and here in carlsbad they said he only had 2 months to live. well the huntsman center in salt lake basically threw out the dr.'s prognosis, removed 2/3 of his stomach and made history for his age and health and overcoming this cancer. well about 2 months ago my mom noticed he was not eating and then he said that it hurt when he ate and that he was having some mild pain around his lower belly. well we took him to the dr. and after a scan and some tests he again had cancer. he had spots on his liver and lymph nodes. again they said he only had a short time to live. they didn't even bother to find out what type it was. it makes me wonder how many people have died because dr.s don't care. well we sent him to utah again and they were pretty excited because he being 93 is charting new territory for cancer patients. he is in such perfect health and he's their first and so they have no one to compare him to in a sense as to how any treatment would be on him. they diagnosed him with Adeno Carcinoma(sp? i'm not sure.) it is a cancer that attacks soft tissue. while it is terminal and we can't cure it is slow growing and the best treatment is actually diet. so essentially we've put him on the "RAW" diet to get his body ph balance and go from there. he said "You know i never gelt like have a short time left. I have faith in my body that i can get my strength back from this." which is interesting coming from a 93 yr old. but as righteous as he i'm sure he'll decide when he's ready to go.
We Made it as far as Carlsbad...
kinda grouchy about that. what keeps me from being completely grouchy is i'm here because my mother needs me. one thing that i love about my family is that we'll do anything for and will be there for one another. knowing my mother's growing business was taking her over and the stress of my grandmother with Alzheimer's and grandfather with cancer she was starting to sink. not financially but emotionally and physically. so we're here til she doesn't need us anymore. so she can breathe. i love her and will put off my whole world to give her even a moments rest from the her daunting life right now. i know she knows i love her but sometimes the only way i can repay her for always being so good to me and others is to show her. so carlsbad sucks, my in-laws suck worse here and i hate being here but i'm glad to be out of phoenix and glad i could be here for my mother.
ok so maybe tomorrow. it won't let my upload them so i'll try tomorrow. SORRY!